Saturday 28 May 2011

Fresh Start(s)

Hi There Beautimous World of Interweb Users,
I decided that I am making an entirely new blog because my last one was a joke. So lets start over :)
Its technically tomorrow already, but we are going to say that it is still Saturday night. Nothing is going on, on a Saturday :/ I know. It can all be blamed on the combination of the town I live in being BORING and work wore me out tonight. But.... this Wednesday I have a day trip planned with some girl friends that I am stoked about. 
Work tonight confirmed a theory I was working on that I would like to share:
During the work week, people are forced to be cordial and respectful of others right? You can't hit Phyllis because she did send an email about her new medication and the gassy side affects. LOL *Office Reference*
So on the weekend, the majority of the miserable people can only try and spread their misery. Their mindset is like "Oh its the weekend, so my personality and politeness can take the weekend off too!" Then myself, and thousands of other part time sales associates at stores frequented on weekends have to deal with said cubicle surfers. 
STAY HOME PEOPLE. Who shops when they are miserable? I know I don't because I will just end up hating everything I pick up. Right? Thats what I think atleast LOL.
Anyway I am excited about redoing this whole blog thing. I love it and plan on getting back into occasionally recording a video or two to update family afar. 
Oooh Good News!!! My boyfriends brother Dusty is coming to visit this weekend! He is so much fun, and hilarious as shit. Cannot wait to see him :)
Well goodnight all. 

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