Monday 30 May 2011

School in TWO DAYS...

Tuesday I go back to school to get two more classes out of the way. It is definitely not my definition of an awesome jam packed summer but hey...
It gets me out of the local community college and into university A LOT quicker to knock these out ASAP

Today made me thankful of my "Bitch Switch"
I love helping people and I get complimented on my customer service skills a lot, but I am sooo thankful that I am a bitch enough to handle difficult people. Some co-workers and friends alike are complaining that people are rude and walk on them. I feel for ya guys, I do. But just snap back. No need to let some one else bring you down :)

Right now I am listening to: Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles 
While I have "Yeah Boy and Doll Face" by Pierce the Veil stuck in my head LOL

I really want to get my next tattoo soon. I have soo many ideas of what I want. Before I am 30 my back will be covered and part of my arm. Maybe even my collar bone. Who knows. 
Phrase of the Day:
Optimism is key!!!

Oh just thought I would share a funny Casey-ism with everyone
"Brandon you are going to contract an STD if you do not quit talking to me like that" LMAO

Also, during my shift a customer was talking about WOW or World of Warcraft amongst his pals, and being someone that has played before I made a comment to the effect of: "I agree, I was a rogue when I played and found that to be a similar struggle" or some shit. The kid seriously looked at me and said "I quit playing that lame ass game over a year ago. I just talk about it now" Not a direct quote but the words lame ass were in there. 
Since when does a kid that looks like he has never seen soap and plays WOW have the right to be condescending? 
Thats like a fat guy telling a skinny guy to put down the burger, REALLY??? LOL
Night Readers, Loves :)

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